


创建时间:2024-05-13 10:35:57  |  点击:242  |  作者:外文俱乐部

Hi everyone! In May, we shall give you a summary on four novels by the female author L.M.Montgomery — The Anne of Green Gables Novels. 


About the Author



Lucy Maud Montgomery at 9


L.M. Montgomery (Lucy Maud Montgomery) was born in Clifton (now New London), Prince Edward Island, on November 30, 1874. As an only child living with an elderly couple, Montgomery found companionship in her imagination, nature, books, and writing. When she was nine, she began writing poetry and keeping a journal.


In 1905, she wrote her first and most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables. She sent the manuscript to several publishers, but, after receiving rejections from all of them, she put it away in a hat box. In 1907, she found the manuscript again, re-read it, and decided to try again to have it published. Anne of Green Gables was accepted by the Page Company of Boston, Massachusetts and published in 1908. An immediate best-seller, the book marked the beginning of Montgomery's successful career as a novelist.



Let’s see the first four novels of this set:


Anne of Green Gables


索书号 I711.84/1


As soon as Anne Shirley arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she is sure she wants to stay forever...but will the Cuthberts send her back to the orphanage? Anne knows she’s not what they expected--a skinny girl with fiery red hair and a temper to match. If only she can convince them to let her stay, she’ll try very hard not to keep rushing headlong into scrapes and blurting out the first thing that comes to her mind. Anne is not like anybody else, the Cuthberts agree; she is special--a girl with an enormous imagination. This orphan girl dreams of the day when she can call herself Anne of Green Gables.


Anne of Avonlea


索书号 I711.84/3


At sixteen, Anne is grown up...almost. Her gray eyes shine like evening stars, but her red hair is still as peppery as her temper. In the years since she arrived at Green Gables as a freckle-faced orphan, she has earned the love of the people of Avonlea and a reputation for getting into scrapes. But when Anne begins her job as the new schoolteacher, the real test of her character begins. Along with teaching, she is learning how complicated life can be when she meddles in someone else’s romance...as Anne enters womanhood, her adventures touch the heart and the funny bone.


Anne of the island


索书号 I711.84/2


New adventures lie ahead as Anne Shirley packs her bags, waves goodbye to childhood, and heads for Redmond College. With her old friend Prissy Grant waiting in the bustling city of Kingsport and her frivolous new friend Philippa Gordon at her side, Anne tucks away her memories of rural Avonlea and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises, including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable...


Anne of windy poplars


索书号 I711.84/4


Anne Shirley has left Redmond college behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They’re known as the royal family of Summerside-- and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person they wanted as principal of Summerside High School...


Above are the summaries of the first four novels. Expect more the next month and see you then!




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