


创建时间:2024-04-08 10:00:00  |  点击:1243  |  作者:天一云读



Sigrid Undset


Sigrid Undset (1882-1949) , a Norwegian novelist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Her best-known work Kristin Lavransdatter portrayed life in Scandinavia in the Middle Ages. Sigrid Undset was of an age with Virginia Woolf and James Joyce. Her works are shot through with Norwegian color,  just like James Joyce's works with strong Irish color.

西格里德·温塞特(1882年-1949年),挪威小说家,1928年凭借现代主义长篇小说《新娘·主人·十字架》获得诺贝尔文学奖 ,该小说对中世纪斯堪的纳维亚生活做了有力描绘。或许我们对西格里德·温塞特有些陌生,她与弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、詹姆斯·乔伊斯同岁。西格里德·温塞特创作的主题带有浓厚的挪威色彩,正如詹姆斯·乔伊斯的主题具有强烈的爱尔兰色彩。


Kristin Lavransdatter

《新娘 · 主人 · 十字架》

In her great historical epic Kristin Lavransdatter, set in fourteenth-century Norway, Nobel laureate Sigrid Undset tells the life story of one passionate and headstrong woman. As a young girl, Kristin is deeply devoted to her kind and courageous father. But when she meets the charming and impetuous Erlend, she defies her parents in pursuit of her own desires. Her saga continues through her marriage to Erlend, and finally their estrangement as the world around them tumbles into uncertainty.

Kristin Lavransdatter is the masterwork of Norway’s most beloved author—one of the twentieth century’s most prodigious and engaged literary minds—and a story that continues to enthrall.

《新娘 · 主人 · 十字架》三部曲以14世纪上半叶为时代背景,再现挪威中世纪的历史和社会生活。小说描写了一个热情又执著的女主人公克里斯汀热烈追求幸福的一生和其悲剧性的结局。克里斯汀的父亲是个有着极高威望的基督教徒,克里斯汀却不顾父母的反对执意嫁给了狂浪冲动、没有信仰的艾尔伦。在那个通讯阻塞的古代挪威,婚后的她与故乡彻底断绝了关系。克里斯汀为婚姻付出了过于沉重的代价,结局到头来却并不理想……



James Joyce


James Joyce (1882–1941) , one of the greatest authors in 20th century, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and spent most of his adult life on the European continent. In addition to his two milestones of experimental modernist fiction: Ulysses (1922) and Finnegans Wake (1939) , his short-story collection work Dubliners (1914) is considered the greatest collection of short stories in the English language.





索书号 classmark : I562.45/2/2

Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories about love and hope, loneliness and death. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century. The sisters, two gallants, a motherMany characters in the stories center on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment where a character experiences a life-changing self-understanding or illumination, and the idea of paralysis where Joyce felt Irish nationalism stagnated cultural progression, placing Dublin at the heart of this regressive movement. Many of the characters in Dubliners later appear in minor roles in Joyce's novel Ulysses.



Edith Wharton


Edith Wharton (1862-1937) , American novelist, who was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize with her notable work of The Age of Innocence. This classic novel paints a timeless depiction of "society" and Edith Wharton is recognized in her time as "a writer who brings glory on the name America," (The New York Times, 1920).

伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton,1862年-1937年),美国女作家。1921年凭借其长篇小说《纯真年代》获得普利策奖。这部经典小说对19世纪美国上流社会的精致浮华做了精准描写,纽约时报评价:“美国人可以写出《纯真年代》这样的书,值得举国同欢。”


The Age of Innocence


索书号 classmark:I712.45/77

The Age of Innocence is an intimate portrayal of American's upper-class society in the 19th century—and the human lives that came into conflict with it. It follows Newland Archer, a young lawyer engaged to marry virginal socialite May Welland in 1870s New York, when he meets her cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska, a lady unrestrained by convention and surrounded by scandal. Archer must choose between happiness and the social code that has governed his life as their relationship ultimately suffers at the hands of society and family obligation.    

《纯真年代》描述了19世纪七八十年代美国上流社会的人生百态以及人性的纠葛与矛盾。 小说讲述了上流阶层贵公子纽兰·阿切尔与门当户对的梅·韦兰及其表姐艾伦•奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人之间无法抉择的情感故事。纽兰的未婚妻梅是被旧贵族礼教培养的名门淑女,循规蹈矩;而梅的表姐艾伦则自由奔放,她不受习俗规定束缚的行为被上流社会看作是离经叛道,受到亲友侧目与不齿。纽兰被特立独行的埃伦吸引,但同时慑于上流社会习俗的威力选择与梅举行婚礼。三人在内心、家庭和社会的压力下,都面临深深的矛盾与抉择……  



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